Fine Free Policy
Getting a Library Card
Library cards will be issued to individuals who reside in Lincoln Park and are over the age of 18 using one of the three (3) items listed below as proof of residence:
with a valid Michigan driver’s license
with a lease agreement or rental agreement in patron’s name with current Lincoln Park address
with a Lincoln Park property tax bill.
Individuals under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign the application; with one of the three (3) items listed above as proof of Lincoln Park residence.
A temporary 30 day library card will be issued with a valid Michigan driver’s license or State ID with a current address if the individual’s home library is a member of The Library Network library (TLN). There are over 60 local cities (excluding Dearborn and Detroit) that belong to TLN.
A library card is required for all transactions.
There is no charge for the initial library card. Replacement library cards cost $2.
This library is part of the MILibraryCard Program. This program gives Lincoln Park residents limited access to local libraries outside of TLN. Many of these non-TLN libraries are local cities (Detroit). Non-TLN residents must have a library card from their home library with a MILibraryCard label before they will be allowed limited access to this library.
Fine Free Policy
The Lincoln Park Public Library is a fine free library. Items overdue for more than 21 days (3 weeks) will be marked as lost and you will be charged for the cost of lost items. If the lost item is returned, you will no longer be charged for the cost of the item, and no overdue fines will be applied. A patron’s library card will be automatically blocked if there are lost item(s) on the account. If items are damaged while in your care, you will still be charged the cost of the item.
Patrons have the option to pay off lost book costs using a credit card or debit card. Go to the library’s catalog (eLibrary) and select the “My Account” tab. Once you log on using your library card number and pin, you can view your outstanding bill and pay it online. If you need assistance feel free to contact the library at 313-381-0374.
Computer Usage Guidelines
Computer registration is required. To register, a patron must present a valid library card from a valid member library or The Library Network; if obtaining a library card is not possible, the patron may present a valid driver's license, state ID or passport.
Circulation Desk staff will accept registrations and determine computer availability.
Because of the close proximity of the computers, it is unfair to other users to view objectionable material. It is illegal to print such material (approved by the Lincoln Park Library Commission on May 5, 2005).
Because of the limited area and close proximity of the computers, it is essential to preserve an atmosphere that is conducive to work. Cell phone usage, loud talking and/or music are not allowed.
The library’s computer work stations and wireless access may not be used for any unlawful or improper activities prohibited under local, state or federal laws. These activities include, but are not limited to:
Display or transmission of sexually explicit or sexually suggestive (obscene/pornographic) materials
Hacking and/or spamming
Infringement of copyright law
Distribution of unsolicited advertising or propaganda, or propagation of computer viruses
Libel, harassment or slander
Solicitation of minors
There is a guaranteed time of 15 minutes per user; at the expiration of that time, the user may remain if there is not a waiting list. If asked to move, the user may be placed on the waiting list for another 15 minute session. There is a maximum of two (2) registrations per day.
Black and white printing on standard size (8.5″ X 11″) paper is available for a charge of 10¢ per page; color is available for additional cost (75¢). See library staff for assistance. The user is responsible for every page sent to the printer.
Library staff will provide assistance as time and knowledge permit.
Flash drives are available for purchase at the Circulation Desk for five dollars.
Installation of personal software, modifying or tampering with library computer equipment or software will result in suspension of privileges and possible legal action. Damage to any workstation is cause for immediate removal.
Please notify staff of problems with the workstations.
The library staff has the right to make decisions that are in the best interest of the library wherever these guidelines do not specifically cover a certain situation.
Disregard of any of the above will result in suspension of computer privileges.